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IMMSANE - International Media Music and Sound Arts Network in Education

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As of 2022, Magnus sits in The Regional Council of IMMSANE Europe representing Gothenburg University.

"The International Media Music and Sound Arts Network in Education (IMMSANE) is an initiative to support global higher education programmes in these fields to collaborate, disseminate research and pedagogy and link with industry. The network enhances partner institutional relationships through meetings at international film festivals and sharing information on this website, email and social media platforms" (IMMSANE, 2024)

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"MSCN Film Music Festivals Academy focusses on improving the professional qualifications of aspiring media music composers and get them ready to introduce themselves to the professional industry at major European film music festivals" (MSCN, 2024)

Magnus is part of the mentor team at MSCN.

SKAP - Sweden's Composers and Lyricists (Sveriges kompositörer och textförfattare)

Skap is "a membership association for music creators in Sweden with approximately 1,600 professional members – mostly active music creators and composers across all genres. The association’s purpose is to strengthen copyright and thereby improve music creators’ income opportunities as well as their artistic freedom of expression. The association, along with FST and Musikförläggarna, is one of the three associations that each have two permanent seats on the Board of STIM, to represent rights holders. Skap's work can be divided into four main areas: advocacy work, collective management, education and training, scholarships and awards, and collaborations in Sweden and around the world" (Skap, 2024).

Magnus is a member of the Media Composer Group at Skap. 

© 2024 by Magnus Strömberg Productions.

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